catching snow on my tongue!

Helping Mommy make Chocolate covered pretzels

Helping Nana make a puzzle

Nana made me a kitty!

Christmas picture- Daddy's eyes are closed and I'm looking at the tree!
I have been soo busy with my family and everything I haven't had time to tell whats been going on! I went to my 2 month doctors appointment at 10 weeks old and I weighed 14lbs 12oz! Ive also grown to be 23 3/4 inches long! I am really growing! I had so much fun with my family for Thanksgiving! My Nana and Papa came to see me as well as my Aunt Kristy and Uncle Barry! I watched them make the food and then I went on a walk after everyone stuffed themselves! When everyone was playing games my Nana decided she needed some help with a game and gave me a pen so I could help her write down some answers! I was a good helper! We went shopping the day after thanksgiving and my Mommy carried me around in a snugglie ( a carrier that I sit in on the front of her), and then Kristy decided she wanted to try it out and carried me around in it for a while! Barry even tried to carry me in it but I fussed a bit and so he decided Kristy was better at it! I went to my first movie on Friday night, we went to Blindside! It was a really good movie and I enjoyed it but when it was bout 3/4 the way through I decided I was tired of sitting so I cried and Mommy had to stand up and hold me the rest of the movie! On Sunday I went to this strange class at church! Mommy called it the nursery. There were some other kids that were about my size but a little bit bigger than me but Mommy said I would be ok and she and Daddy left me there to play with the other kids! I was good and only started crying when it was time for them to come and get me! I might go again this week and see if any new people are there! THis past week my Daddy had to work during the day so my Nana came to take care of me! She watched me on Tuesday -Friday! I had soo much fun with her! She sings me all sorts of silly songs and tells me "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands!" I am not quite sure what to do yet but she shows me and I smile at her! I helped her and Mommy make a puzzle too! I love to smile and laugh at her so we have a fun time! Thanks for watching me Nana!! I will miss you next week! I also have really enjoyed looking and talking to my Christmas tree! Mommy and Daddy decided they needed to put up the tree in our house even though they usually don't put it up! I LOVE to sit and watch it and have conversations with it each morning! My kitty Cruiser thinks it is a toy and gets in trouble a lot for playing with it but I love it!
Some of my new tricks are: Standing up on peoples laps and looking around! I love this and it usually calms me down!
Smiling and laughing at almost everything!
If you set me in the corner of the couch I pull myself away from the couch and lean way forward!
I completed 24 sit ups today! ( my highest amount before was 12)
I eat my hands all the time and today I really noticed them and was looking at them and inspecting them rather than just eating them!
Nana said I am reaching for items! Mommy hasn't seen it too much yet but I am working on it!
I am sleeping 5-8 hours at a time at night! Mommy is glad for this but she wishes that it was 8 hours more nights! :)
I guess that is about all for now! I wanna roll over but can't quite figure it out yet! I will try and keep everyone posted on my happenings! I am going to try and write my Christmas letter tonite but I don't know how much I will get done!