Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Its almost time!!!

I went to the Dr today and am only 1cm dilated. He asked me how long we wanted to wait for him to arrive before we induce. What a hard question to answer! I mean I'm ready for him to be here now but then oh my goodness he could be here at anytime! So we are giving him until Monday to arrive. If he doesn't make an appearance this week then we will go to the hospital Sunday at midnight to get my first dose of medicine to start the process! I am also starting tomorrow a medication to increase my platelets. I have to go 4 times... once every 12 hours to get an IV with the medicine. I start at 9am Wednesday morning and then again at 9pm and the same on Thursday. Then I will have high enough platelets to get an epidural if I need or want to get it. I am so excited to meet our baby and can't wait until Monday when he arrives!

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