I am soo excited to meet our son! We are getting soo close! I can't believe it is September already! I am soo ready to meet him! I am having a really hard time getting up out of chairs ( I almost got stuck on the swing at work today!)... Oh and last weekend I almost didn't fit in the booth at Hardees! If he would have been a tiny bit bigger I would not have fit!!! I went to the Dr yesterday and was not dilated but he is big! I had an ultrasound to see his size and the tech said I expect him to be a little bigger than the average 6 1/2 lbs... and sure enough he is measuring around 7lbs 10 oz... He has a lot of hair and is definitely a boy!! I thought he may be coming last night and thought maybe my water had broken but after a trip to the hospital they decided I was not leaking fluid and sent me home... I was kinda disappointed but didn't think he was quite ready to come see us anyway! Here is a new picture of him... He kept putting his hand in front of his face and wouldn't move it!
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