Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dr appointment

We went to the doctor today and heard the baby's heartbeat again. It is still in the 160's and he said it sounded great! While we were listening to the heartbeat there was a thud and he said that was the baby moving around. I think it was waving to us again! :) I only gained one pound and he said that was really good. I go back again in three weeks, but he said we won't do an ultrasound for six weeks. I was bummed because we thought we could find out soon if we are having a boy or a girl but I guess we have to wait a little bit longer! Hopefully we will find out before we leave for South Dakota. We figured it would be that week that we would find out. He said that it would be fine for us to drive and that I would just have to get out and walk every few hours so that will make it take a little bit longer but thats ok. Everything else is going well. It seems strange that I only gained one pound but none of my regular pants fit and I have to wear maternity pants now. 

1 comment:

  1. pictures of you please pictures please pictures please!!! ;) ;) ;)
    I will be around that weekend in May- and actually TODD will too!!!! YAY!!! so maybe we can hangout- and you can MEET HIM!!!!! Im pretty pumped!!!
    HOpe your feeling well. Member all the times we thought maternity clothes were SOOO cute- now you get to wear them!! yay!!-- therefore I want pictures!!!!
