Smiling with my kitty Cruiser
I am getting soo big! Mommy measured me the other day and I am almost 24 inches!! She weighed me too and I am about 13 lbs if not more! I am going to the Dr next week and we will get some exact measurements but I am for sure getting bigger! I didn't have a too eventful rest of last week. I love spending my mornings with my Daddy and he is really enjoying it with me too! He has figured out how to hold me and sing to me to calm me down!I am trying to be really good for him but some days I just have a bad day and cry... I have recently discovered my fingers and hands! I LOVE to put them in my mouth! I am holding onto different things as well as being more aware of what is going on around me! I am talking to people a lot more and making lots of sounds and smiling a lot! I also have been working hard during tummy time and am holding my head up soo good now! My Mommy put me in my bumbo seat last night and I sat up holding my head up for quite a while! Then I realized I was in this plastic seat and didn't like it any more! I really like to stand up in peoples laps too. When I am getting upset if you stand me up I get really happy! I do my situps every day and so my tummy is getting stronger too! On Friday Mommy and Daddy decided that we would go on a short trip and at first we were going to go to Sieverville or something like that and go to some stores but then they decided that we would go see my Aunt Kristy and Uncle Barry! We left on Saturday morning and drove to Lebanon Tennessee. We drove through some mountains and Mommy was nervous about having some rocks fall as lots had been falling earlier in the week. We made it through without any problems. Mommy was soo glad we went too because she got her Dunkin Donuts for breakfast! (even though they didn't have the best kind- maybe next time) We went shopping at the outlet mall and then hung out at Kristy and Barry's house. We even went on a short walk! While we were getting ready on Sunday morning Mommy was feeding me and I starting pooping and Mommy thought I was just tooting as she felt my diaper moving. Well surprise I pooped out of the back of my diaper and my outfit was covered! It even got on Mommy's pants! Mommy didn't remember she had packed me some other clothes so I just wore my pj's to church! Good thing that they were cute! Mommy thought of taking me to the nursery since I had just ate but she couldn't leave me with anyone else yet... I loved the music like always and did soo good in the service! Some girls came up to me after the service and had to tell me how cute I was and that they saw my hair during the service and had to come see me! I had a fun time visiting Kristy and Barry and can't wait for them to come to my house again for Thanksgiving! I visited Mommy at work on Monday and got to meet a couple more people that work with Mommy! Everyone says "I can't believe how much hair he has!" One person said 'no white baby ever has this much hair!' hahaha well I do and I am white!! :) It was a good week and I am glad that I am getting stronger and can hold up my own head! (even though it makes Mommy sad that I am growing up so fast!)
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