playing with my toys in the tent
Walking with Mommy
I got my second tooth last week! I got a fever on Sunday night ( 5/23) and just was not myself all day Monday. My fever went down a little bit on Tuesday- Mommy stayed home with Daddy and I to help take care of me since I was fussy and wanted to be held a lot. Mommy noticed on Tuesday morning that my second tooth had popped through the gum. I started feeling better and on Wednesday I was doing a lot better. I got a little rash on my face but it went away fast so Mommy didn't take me to the doctor.
On Saturday Mommy and Daddy took me to some stores and then we went to a birthday party. It was supposed to be an outside party but it started raining. It stopped for a little while so I played outside in my car with Daddy but then it started raining again so we went inside. It got a little bit crowded and it was getting close to my bedtime so We decided to go home. On Sunday I woke up really early - surprise surprise- and Mommy and Daddy decided we'd go on a walk to get some donuts. We had a good walk and enjoyed the donuts when we got home. Mommy decided she wanted to set up our tent so she set it up with some help from Daddy and I got to play in it while Mommy and Daddy did some yard work. I liked playing for a while but then got tired of playing by myself. We played inside and went to a few stores to find some stuff for the yard then I got ready for bed. I slept in my bed for a while and then Mommy came in to get me and took me outside and put me in the tent. I was still sleepy but then I woke up because I couldn't figure out where I was! Mommy was laying next to me and I kept rolling on my side to try and get her. Mommy decided that I probably wasn't going to go to sleep again so rather than get no sleep and be in the tent we went back in the house. I didn't want to fall asleep again and struggled the rest of the night to sleep. Monday I was ready for my normal week and then Mommy didn't go to work so we got to play. Daddy had to go to work to do some inventory so Mommy and I decided to go with him and hang out in Chattanooga. When we got there someone was not breathing so Daddy called for an ambulance. He went to go see if he could help. Mommy and I looked for the ambulance to come. A firetruck came and a big ambulance and police cars! I was excited to see all of these things up close! They tried to help the person who was sick but he didn't wake back up. His friends were sad. Daddy had to fill out some paperwork and talk to a lot of people on the phone to help take care of everything. Mommy helped him count everything so that we could leave the hotel. We decided to go walk downtown and had a great time! We walked down by the water and I even put my toes in the water at the aquarium! I had an awesome time with my Mommy and Daddy! I can't believe I had them for 3 days!! It was the best ever!!
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