Riding in the car

Hey Ya'll!!

Ridin the big tractor!

measuring the corn... it is knee high...
I had such a fun time visiting everyone in South Dakota! One day when Momma came home from work Daddy drove us to this place and we picked up a car. We drove it to Daddy's work and put my seat in it and Mommy drove us home in it. Momma put me to bed and after we had slept a little bit she got me and put me in the weird car. I was awake and we went and picked Daddy up from his work. Then we started driving... and driving... and driving... I slept while it was dark out. Once when Daddy was driving he hit a big tarp in the road and scared everyone. Momma told him to pull over and she checked to make sure I was ok ( I was sleeping so I didn't care other than it woke me up!) A man driving a big truck stopped and helped us look at the car and make sure nothing was broken. ( A small piece had cracked but it wasn't a big deal). We drove for a long time and when I woke up my Daddy decided he would sit with me in the back seat while Momma drove. She was driving on this road and we were the only ones on the road pretty much and then she said "Oh No, there is a cop behind us..." well uh oh he pulled Momma over! She gave him her drivers license and another paper and he just told her to slow down ( side note I was only going 71 in a 65!!). She didn't get a ticket just a nice warning. She was glad! We made it to Council Bluffs and Momma decided that we should eat at a place called Runza. We stopped and got out and ate. We wanted to drive around there but decided we were soo close to see Oma and Opa that we should just keep going! We got to see them around 3pmish on Friday ( June 18th)... We had to go eat ice cream and I even got a couple bites! ( Nana started a BAD habit!) We went shopping at a few places then headed to Oma and Opa's house so I could take a bath and go to bed since it had been a LONG day! It took me a little bit to fall asleep since I had never been there before but then I slept pretty good. On Saturday we got up and went on a walk and looked at some corn fields which is something I've never seen! We got ready and went to dinner at this place called Hy-Vee which Momma told me is where Daddy used to work! We went to a few stores again and then went home to get ready for our big bbq later that night! I took a nap and then when I woke up I got to go sit on a BIG old tractor! We went across the street from my Oma and Opa's house and they pulled it out of a big barn and Momma and I sat on it first. It was really neat! After we left there we went to get ready for our party and I met a LOT of people! All of Daddy's family was there. Then after a little while Momma's brother Jeremy and his family came to see me! I got to meet my Aunt Lindsey and my cousins Chelsea and Micah! I liked them and sat with them and had my picture made with them! I went to bed a little while after they got there. On Sunday morning we went to church and I sat in the service while we sang songs and then when a man came up to talk I started talking too so Daddy and Momma took me out and we walked around the church. We went to this water fall place after that. Momma called it the Falls ( it is the Sioux River Falls). We took LOTs of pictures of me on the rocks and by the water. It was a really cool place I liked it! We went home so I could take a nap and then we went to Daddy's Uncle Steve's house. I talked to a few more people and then we headed to Jeremy and Lindsey's house for supper. I was the life of the party because Chelsea fell asleep while she was eating and Micah was already sleeping when we got there! ( Ruby even took a nap with Chelsea). I talked and laughed and had a great time showing off to everyone! On Monday morning we got up early ( Momma even had to wake me up!) and went to eat some breakfast. Then we started driving again! We stopped in a place called Omaha which is where Momma and Daddy used to live. I was soo excited about it I fell asleep... OOPS! I made Momma and Daddy stop a little while later cuz Momma thought I had pooped... We got out of the car and Daddy checked me and nothing! I just tooted!! I laughed and laughed that we stopped for nothing!! I really just wanted out of my seat! We stopped a lot and it was going to be really late when we got home. Momma was tired and Daddy was too soo we stopped just outside of Nashville. Momma tried to sleep in the car but I was awake since we stopped moving. We went inside and walked around the big truck stop and I thought it was AWESOME!! I laughed and smiled and thought that being up late was just so neat! Momma and Daddy got some food and a drink and we got back in the car. I fell right to sleep and we drove home. We made it home around 1:30-2 am. I had slept a lot so I woke up at my normal time of 6am and Momma and Daddy were not too happy! They tried to get me to sleep more but I would not... Sorry!! I had a really fun time and maybe after we recover from this trip we might go and visit again!
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