10 months old!

Standing at the mirror!

At the Lake with Momma!

showing off my boo boo... Momma cut my finger instead of my fingernail!
It's been a while since we've updated on our lives! We have been slightly busy. A few highlights of the month: we've gone to the lake a few times and swam, we've at LOTS of ice cream and Watermelon ( Aaron's favorites!), we had a yard sale at Nana's house and sold quite a bit of things! , we have walked around a lot- every morning around the neighborhood as well as to various stores around our house. Aaron is also talking to us a lot more! He has loooong streams of various sounds! He now is saying lala, nana, yaya, as well as his other dada, mama, gaga, baba's. He waves ALL the time even if no one is around! He is feeding himself almost all of his meals. He likes toast for breakfast or pancakes or cheerios, and he eats veggies and beans or whatever we are eating! He learned how to drink out of a straw a few weeks ago and enjoys drinking his water from a straw (this also makes it easy when we go out for a meal because we just get him a glass of water to drink). Just this past week he learned how to go from his tummy to sitting and then pulling up on EVERYTHING! He likes to mostly pull up on Momma or Daddy and the worst habit of all in his crib! We have struggled the past week to get him to sleep because of this! It has been a rough time but we are hopefully getting past it! ( I can only hope I am tired!!) Just this week Aaron has become more mobile! He doesn't crawl a typical crawl but sits like he is gonna crawl and pulls himself along. It is cute but gets him into trouble of course! He is getting into a lot of things and we are working on keeping non baby things out of his reach! It is a fun time! We are going to Nana and Papa's house this weekend to celebrate birthdays in July ( Aaron's cousin Luke, Aunt Kristy, and Momma's!!) We told Aaron he had to figure out crawling or walking by this weekend or his cousins would leave him in the dust so he listened and figured it out! Hopefully he can try and keep up with them a little bit! Well that's a summary of the month so far! I will update with pictures of our weekend!
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