Our family is growing! We have a wonderful little boy named Aaron and a new baby girl named Millie! We can't wait to see how the Lord will bless our family and take care of us!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
4 month Doctor appointment
Today was my 4th visit to the doctor. I got fussy at first because they were busy and we didn't get called back right away... by the time we got to a room I was hungry!! Mommy took off all my clothes and I laughed!! Some lady put a weird thing around my head and said 17 inches... and then drew a line under my foot and above my head. She then measured it and said I was 26 1/4 inches!! Mommy was shocked! That means I have grown 6 inches since I was born!! Then the nurse listened to my heart and took my temperature. Mommy carried me out into the hallway and laid me on this thing and then the nurse said "you aren't gonna be able to use this one the next time you are here you are getting big!" She told mommy that I weighed 17lbs and 2 oz! I'm getting to be such a big boy! I got super mad after we were done with this and decided I wanted to eat NOW!! Mommy started feeding me and then Dr Betts came in and asked Mommy a few questions about me... He asked if I had rolled over yet... nope... If I was laughing... ALL THE TIME!!! and talking too!:) He was glad about that! He listened to my heart and lungs while I was eating. I am soo healthy! He said I could start eating 'real' food when I turn 6 months old! The nurse came back into the room and made me drink this weird stuff and then poked my left leg which wasn't too bad... then she poked my right leg and it HURT!!! I was very sad but only for about 10 seconds and then Mommy held me and told me it was ok. I did soo good!! Mommy was proud of me! I was being soo good so Mommy decided she would go to Bible Study tonite. I was happy when she left but got super sad while she was at her Bible study. I was getting sore from my shots and was tired. I went right to bed after I got home! I love to look at the basketball on my bumper pad and try and touch it. I stare at it while I am falling asleep. Mommy thinks maybe I will be a basketball player. Especially since I am getting soo tall!:) I am excited because we are going to South Carolina this weekend! I have never been there and neither has Daddy! Mommy is excited to show us where she grew up and went to school! I will let you know how it goes and maybe we will take some pictures!:)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
sleepless nights... eventful days!
So since we have hit the 4 month mark sleep is just not happening! Aaron has decided that he needs to wake up every 2-3 hours to eat and let us know he is a growing boy! This has been rough on all of us as we were used to sleeping until about 5 am before Aaron woke up! I don't know if it is because he is teething or just hitting the infamous 4 month no sleep period! I've been reading up on it and there is just soo much going on in his little body that it is hard for him to stay asleep like he did before! I am hoping we can work through this and teach him how to fall back asleep when he wakes up in the night and not have to get up and feed him or give him his 'henry.'- for those who dont know that is what we call his paci :) So enough of my perspective here is what Aaron has to say---
I like to take naps at night and see my Mommy and Daddy with funny hair and stumble around with me! I really think I need to eat all the time and make sure my tummy is always full!! I am growing and want to make sure Mommy can keep up with me! :) I have been busy talking constantly! From the moment I am allowed to wake up in the morning until it is bed time I am making some sort of noises! I love to sing and laugh! I am happy most of the time unless I am hungry or my teeth are hurting me! I haven't had a tooth pop thru my gums yet but I love to chew on my fingers and anything else I can put in my mouth! On Sunday Mommy put me in an outfit that she said was my Daddy's. It was too cold outside for me to just wear it so she put more clothes on top of it! When we got to church Mommy and Daddy had my picture made as well as with my Nana and Papa. I met a man that Mommy called Pastor Allen... She let him hold me and he talked to Mommy and Daddy and me. He blessed me and asked if my Mommy and Daddy would raise me to be a man of God. I smiled at him and he thought I was a chunky boy!
I had a few bites of milk off of a rubbery thing Mommy called a spoon the other day. It tasted kinda funny and I couldn't figure out how to get it off the spoon. I ended up getting all wet and Mommy gave me a bath and I kicked and splashed!
OH and I have a new FAVORITE movie! I got it from my church after I was dedicated. It is called Praise Baby and I raise my hands and praise Jesus while I watch it! It is a great movie! I love it!
Well that is about it for now... hopefully I will start to sleep some more and let Mommy get some more rest. I do enjoy taking a nap with her in the afternoon though!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Its been a while!!

The Pusch Family 2009
Dancin in my diaper on the counter
My Christmas Presents from Mommy & Daddy
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