stuck under the laundry basket!

Standing at his toy box

Trying to get Delilah in the window

Playing the Wii and inspecting the TV
We have been having fun playing outside and inside when its hot. Playing with some other kids ( Momma is watching her friend's 3 kids a couple times a week), going on walks and discovering lots of fun things! I LOVE to play outside and pull weeds and crawl around the yard. I love to ride in my stroller or car and would do it all day long if it didn't get so hot out! I now have 5 teeth almost 6! I love to 'talk' and make lots of sounds all day long! One of my favorites is babybabybaby over and over! I love to open the oven drawer and pull out some pots to bang around. I then use my potato masher and bang on the floor! I climb up to on the Wii fit balance board to get closer to the tv and inspect it frequently. I play with the shower door and all other doors, opening and closing them. I also have discovered making a smacking sound and if you kiss me I start to smack my lips together! I LOVE being a boy and discovering everything around me!
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