I had a small accident at Church last Sunday and they changed my outfit, Mommy didn't like my outfit so when we got home she took it off me. I was soo tired so she just put me to bed in my diaper. I like to kick my legs up and so I kicked my blanket off and fell asleep!

Swingin away!
I am trying to become mobile! I want to move around but I just can't quite figure it out yet! When I'm on my tummy I move backwards instead of forwards. I roll from my tummy to back and then move to my sides but don't quite get back over to my tummy. Daddy is trying to teach me to stand on my own. Today he stood me up by the ottoman and helped me hold on and I stood there without him holding onto me for about 5 seconds.
I love that it is warm outside and love to be outside all the time! Daddy takes me out in the morning and I sit in my car while he gets some projects done like mowing the lawn or painting. Then after lunch and my nap Mommy takes me outside and we usually go on a walk around the neighborhood and then walk up and down the driveway and around the yard. I take a break and swing for a little while and sometimes just play in the grass too! I get mad when we hae to go inside but by then I'm about ready for bed!
Mommy got me some new toys this week at a consignment sale. She got me my first tool box- it is a cloth box with a soft hammer, screw driver, and a wrench. Its fun to hammer things! She also got me a glow worm! It is soo neat! When I wake up at night Mommy pushes the glow worms tummy and it lights up and plays me music. I also got a few soft books that I can chew on and touch! I love getting new toys!
I started eating carrots, bananas, green beans and pears recently! I try and take bites of Mommy's pear when she is eating it. I am going to try mangos soon too! I guess that is all I have for now! Mommy bought me a swimming pool today so hopefully I will get to use it soon!