Mommy decided that it was getting too hard to get me in and out of my car seat in her car. She decided maybe we should try and sell her car and look for a bigger one. She listed it on this website called craigslist and a little while later someone called and wanted to look at it! Mommy and Daddy didn't think that people would be that interested!! Someone else called on Sunday while we were at church and after both people looked at it someone bought it! They let us take it home and wanted to bring it back to them on Monday so they could take it home to their daughter for her first car. Mommy cried and was sad to see her fun car go! She had Daddy take a few pictures of us in her car for the last time...

After we dropped off the car Mommy took Daddy's car and drove us home. Later that night she got me out of bed and put me in my carseat and we went and picked Daddy up from work. Mommy was worried I would want to be awake since I had slept but I went right back to bed without any problems. I'm such a good boy! :)
Since selling Mommy's car she and Daddy have been trying to decide if they want to buy another car or if we can make it work with just one. For now I think we can make it work so Mommy has just been driving me around in my little car! hehehe it is fun to drive around! Daddy pushes me really fast down the driveway and lets me 'drive' the rest of the way!! Mommy recorded me driving last night and will put the movie on youtube soon.
Mommy decided that we were going to go on a long walk today to run some errands and we walked to the courthouse to renew Daddy's license plate and then we went to the library. This was my FIRST trip to the library!! ( sorry Papa that we haven't gone sooner!!) I was soo good! Mommy walked around to look at a few things and I didn't make a sound! I just knew that I was supposed to be quiet!! I'm soo smart!:)
I am still working on my tooth... Mommy can feel it but it just won't break through the gum... It is causing me a lot of pain but Mommy holds me and helps make it better! I cry out MAMAMAMAMA!!! Daddy gets sad that it isn't Dadada but I will say his name soon! Hopefully ( for me not Mommy and Daddy) I can figure out crawling soon. I want to get moving soo badly but I just haven't figured it out yet! I am excited for this weekend to spend it with my Mommy and Daddy, I will try and sleep later... I usually get soo excited that I get to see them both all day that I wake them up early around 6am... I can't help it I just am soo happy they are both home!