I'm slow in posting, sorry! We have been having so much fun with Millie! She brings soo much joy to our lives every day! Aaron continues to love on her and enjoys holding her, talking to her and playing with her. She has learned how to smile and shows us her beautiful smile all day long! She has wonderful head control, and is learning to enjoy tummy time. She is also constantly moving! Her legs do NOT stay still! Just like when she was in my tummy, only now everyone else gets to see it! She sits on the couch and just kicks and kicks, its hard to get a picture of her since she is constantly moving! She also loves to talk, she ooos and aahhs at us and likes to stick her tongue out at us. Its soo fun to have another baby and a little girl! Enjoy the beautiful pictures!
Soo sweet, tiny girl!
First real bath!
He loved that she was holding his arm :)
She loves to be all sprawled out!
All dressed up for church!
I love Daddy!
super cute 1 month old!
wearing her first cloth diaper! |
Roll Tide! Supporting Alabama :)
Admiring our baby girl!
Aaron loves his baby sister! |
1 month old!
6 weeks old!
Pumpkin head!
Silly faces!
2 months old... getting soo big!
Silly smiles!
the best I could get of both of them looking at the camera!